Monday, June 4, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo, or Am I Crazy?

So I have become incredibly ambitious with my writing of late. Plenty of other writers might not think it's all that ambitious, but for me, trying to write 50k words in a single month is downright unheard of. I've tended to be more of a slow and steady wins the race kind of person. For example, as I think I've mentioned in the past, I spent seven years working on my first two books (parts of an unfinished trilogy). Since then, I've gotten a little faster. Diamond Tears, which was my fastest yet, took me one year and three months start to finish. And I couldn't believe I managed to finish it that quickly. So pretty much a whole draft of a book in a month???

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, Camp NaNoWriMo is the summer version of National Novel Writing Month (which is in November). I think that, in its purest form, participants are supposed to write a novel start to finish, at least 50k words, during the month of June. But I had already written a little over 10k words of my new WIP and was in no way ready to put it aside. So my goal is to just write 50k words (or more, if that's what it takes to finish) instead.

And I'm off to a good start! I couldn't write at all on day 1 of Camp NaNoWriMo (Friday), as I had already made plans to hang out with my awesome mother-in-law, long before I knew that I would be engaging in this insanity. But to make up for it, I set myself the goal of hitting 5k words on both Saturday and Sunday. And it worked! My WIP is now already over 21k words long. Since I'm estimating a total length somewhere between 60k and 70k words, that's a nice, big chunk of the novel. You have no idea how truly and utterly excited I am by this whole thing. Let's just see if I can keep up this level of productivity without going off the deep end.

I created a page for my newest writing obsession, which can be found here. As you can see, it is (tentatively) titled Dr. Pepper Kisses and Vodka Smiles. I say tentatively not because I don't love this title (which I do), but because I'm not even sure if I am legally allowed to have a product name in the title of my book. I suppose I shall have to do some research. But even if I can't, it can make me happy for now.   

On a separate note, I received a partial request while I was driving home from work one day last week. I always have my phone on vibrate and hold it in my hand while I drive, because I listen to incredibly loud music (my hearing is crap, so that's the only way I can hear the words). So if I had the ringer on, I wouldn't be able to hear it anyway. At any rate, a glance at the little preview window on my beloved iPhone yielded the words "Query" and "intrigued." Happy town, population me.  :)


  1.'re crazy. But that's a good thing! I did NaNo for the first time two years ago and I won. Then I shelved it because it was ill-conceived. However, I did prove to myself that I could do it, which went a long way toward keeping me from coddling myself. Or boosting my confidence, whatever. ;)

    Also, Woohooooo! for partial requests and the use of the word intrigued!

    1. Good point, Delia! And besides, as long as I hang out with other crazy people (physically or digitally), I don't look so crazy by comparison!

  2. Ashley, you have to be crazy to be a writer. It's in our blood. That's how we can step into multiple personas so easily :)

    Congrats on the partial request! I'm so excited for you!!

    1. Ha! This coming from the person who I already think is nuts for writing a whole MG in 72 hours! But you certainly have a point! :)

      And thanks!

  3. Congrats on the partial request, and best of luck with Camp NaNo! I've never done a NaNo, but my friend swears by them. Maybe I'll try the one in November. Let us know if you reach your goal!

    1. Thanks, Daisy! I've been sort of lagging the past few days. And by lagging, I mean I haven't written anything since Sunday. NaNo is the opposite of the way I usually write, so it's incredibly hard for me to keep this up. But I'm really hoping to get back in the swing of things today!
